Muchísima suerte.
Como todas las etapas, esta se acaba, tanto para mí como para vosotros. Espero que tengáis toda la suerte del mundo en cualquier lugar. Sé que os sobran aptitudes, así que dad lo mejor. Espero que hayáis aprendido de mí, por lo menos la mitad de lo que yo aprendí de vosotros. Muchísima suerte.
Both parties had good programmes and ideas, but finally "Juniors" won. Congratulations! Our mock elections've started! The students read all the political programmes of the main parties in Spain, and now are going to write their own: state and school level. After, we'll held elections! Who will win? We've just finished the giant timeline with the main events studied in History this year! Well done! We've won the "I Concurso de video de la Fundación Madre Trinidad Carreras". Good job and enjoy the prize :) Presentation of the Renaissance project made by the students of 2º ESO Activity about the perspective, studying the way the painters of the Renaissance did they work. After studying the characteristics of the economic sectors, it's time to study them in Spain, focusing on the characteristics of our economy.
Videos used in the class presentation, about tourism in Spain and its consecuences: Old advertising: Video from the History Channel about Benidorm, the scryscraper city |
Alba De Evan
Teacher of Geography and History. I will post activities and information about the subject. Archives
June 2015
Blogs from the schoolInteresting websites |